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Newborn & 4th Trimester Sleep Webinar
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Join me for a live webinar replay packed with evidence-based and intuition-informed content, designed to arm you with the WHY and the HOW. The why behind your baby's sleep behaviours, and how to approach sleep and settling for maximum sleep and well-being in the fourth trimester and beyond.
Investment: $39 AUD
Tell me more
Are you pregnant or the proud parent or caregiver of a baby under 16 weeks of age? This one's for you! Taking a newborn baby home is likely to be the biggest and most joyful event in your life to date. But, it can also be incredibly confusing and downright exhausting. It doesn't help when the constant stream of well-meaning visitors all have a different opinion about the "right" way to approach sleep.
That’s where this webinar comes in. It is an evidence-based and intuition-informed approach to sleep for babies under 16 weeks old (if your baby is over or approaching 5 months old, I would highly recommend accessing this course instead).
We are going to cover a lot! For starters, I think understanding what's going on biologically for your baby is a crucial first step before moving on to the how. The how being, how to approach sleep, settling strategies, troubleshooting common issues, and managing your own rest and well-being in the early postpartum period.​
You will learn
The science of your newborn's sleep
All about your baby's brain and supporting optimal brain development
Tips for settling and resettling​ your baby to sleep
Tips for smoother naps and bedtimes
How to troubleshoot and approach different common issues
Red flags and when and where to get more help
+ much more including touching on the dreaded "four-month regression" and baby sleep BS-busting
Is it right for you?
This webinar is perfect for you if:
You have a baby under 16 weeks, are exhausted, and can't sort the fact from the fiction when it comes to your baby's sleep
You are pregnant and want to be informed and prepared for what’s to come
You have a brand new baby and sleep is going okay right now but you want to have some tools to manage challenges if they do arise
You are very interested in learning about your baby's sleep from an evidence-based perspective underpinned by sleep and attachment science
You want to support your baby to take their best sleep while supporting your own rest and well-being too
The principles and tools you walk away with will assist you in approaching sleep well beyond the fourth trimester and will continue to enrich your relationship with your baby, partner, and yourself.
BONUS: When you buy Newborn Sleep & Settling Fundamentals, you will receive a 50% off voucher for Infant Sleep 101 Mini Course for babies 5m+ This pair will have you and your whole family armed with strategies to support better sleep from birth to 18m+
About me
Jessica is a developmental psychologist who has almost completed her PhD in child development. She is also a former sleep scientist and a certified Infant and Family Sleep and Well-being Specialist.
Jessica strives to provide parents with evidence-based information and support so they can feel empowered and make informed decisions about approaching their family's sleep and wellness in alignment with their parenting values.
When she isn't creating content for you or chatting to clients, you can usually find Jess chasing her toddler around and listening to a podcast or audiobook at home in Melbourne, Australia.